Hello, my lovely friends!
So I got Legend as a new year's gift (I only asked for one book because I was busy). I had seen a friend of mine reviewing this book on Goodreads and it was a dystopian book. I immediately asked my father to buy me Legend because reading dystopian/sci-fi books is my new year's reading goal (Oh my gosh I need to get the resolution post out of my drafts quick). I had never heard of the author Marie Lu and I didn't know what to expect but when I read the book, boy, was it awesome?
Anyways, today I am doing a review of Legend!

Let's see how my attempt at writing a long book review goes.

What was once the western United States is now home to the Republic, a nation perpetually at war with its neighbors. Born into an elite family in one of the Republic's wealthiest districts, fifteen-year-old June is a prodigy being groomed for success in the Republic's highest military circles. Born into the slums, fifteen-year-old Day is the country's most wanted criminal. But his motives may not be as malicious as they seem.
From very different worlds, June and Day have no reason to cross paths—until the day June's brother, Metias, is murdered and Day becomes the prime suspect. Caught in the ultimate game of cat and mouse, Day is in a race for his family's survival, while June seeks to avenge Metias's death. But in a shocking turn of events, the two uncover the truth of what has really brought them together, and the sinister lengths their country will go to keep its secrets.

Me when I read this book:
*pretends to throw the book at the wall because the family wants her quiet*
*screams in her head*
*looks for book 2 in the shadows*
*starts crying because she can't find it anywhere*
*realizes she doesn't even have it*
*makes a decision to buy the next book the first thing tomorrow*
Me tomorrow after I read this book:
*smiles because the next book is gonna be ordered tomorrow*
*does maths homework about ratios*
*opens the laptop and starts typing out a book review on her blog*
Ok, that was so dramatically fancy, now's let's get to the point.
First of all, I had never read a book which's POVs (Point of Views) change and this was the first one. Legend's POV changed between June and Day. I still can't decide who I love the most but they are both amazing! The tension was building up in me as I turned every page. The end was so worth it and I love this book so much!
Now the main characters.
I love Day. He's an outgoing, brave, and sarcastic teenage boy who is not afraid to stand up for his loved ones and the things he believes in, though he causes trouble to protect the ones he loves. I also love the font Day's chapters are written in because that font really describes his character. (I don't really know how to describe how the font fits him but ya, it's just his style, I guess?)
I also love June. She's very logical, selfless, she can be stubborn and sympathetic towards others. However, she might come across as a little cold and unfeeling, being not attuned to expressing her emotions as frequently as others. She empathizes well and is aware of her emotions despite her stoic front and unwillingness to emotionally express herself. June is also very clever and observant, due to her talents. The font that June's chapters are written is perfect because it describes her personality. I have no idea how to explain why it describes her personality but ya, perhaps, you would understand that when you read the book.
I am not gonna tell you the reason because it will spoil things for you. But let's just say that he is so bad and he did something he shouldn't have. End of sentence.
I love Metias! He is a very compassionate person who first appears to be cold but is actually very caring towards those he loves like June. Metias was an excellent hacker and knew how the plagues started in the Republic and were able to hack into the dead civilian base, which caused him to learn how his parents actually died. But he...umm...in the first few chapters....okay, this is my reminder to not spill things.
Tess is very kind and caring, and she takes care of Day a lot. She is protective and depends on Day at the beginning of Legend. She is stated by Day to have a love for music. Tess is one of my favorite characters because of her kind and loving nature.
Now let's talk about the plot!
If you're still not aware and haven't watched my new year's resolutions and reading goals video (which you can watch from here), then let me tell you, one of my reading goals was to read more dystopian\sci-fi books. So the plot of Legend is obviously perfect. It has a dystopian government, it has a ton of fight-type of elements, the setting is in the future so basically, it's a sci-fi book and the mood of this book is also...tense? I think tense is a great word to describe it.
And oh my gosh, the writing style!
I love love love love Marie Lu's writing style! It is FABULOUS. I am betting on myself to read all the books by Marie Lu because I want more of her writing! Legend is consistently told thoughtfully and intelligently. Marie Lu explains things that have happened in the past in a succinct way, and her writing style makes the readers feel like they are in the character's head when they take their time to think about what's going on.
My Rating is 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟!
Like come on, this book deserves 5 stars.
I recommend this book to people who love dystopian and science fiction books. Also, this book is probably the fourth YA book that I read (apart from the 3 Hunger Games books) and this book is a great start for people who want to get into YA books.
Here are my closing thoughts.
Legend is definitely a fantastic book by Marie Lu. I just simply don't know how to stop obsessing over Legend now. But since it's time for closing thoughts, I have to say that if you love The Hunger Games or Divergent (that I have on my bookshelf waiting for me to be read because I didn't like the movie), you should absolutely give it a try. I can assure you, my friend, you will LOVE it.

(P.S. booktasticallyamazing.com owns 100% credit for this book breakdown photo. Also, she already knows I am using hers. I asked her.)

Okay, my attempt at writing a longer book review was successful!!
I don't think I have anything else to say except that I AM DYING TO GET INTO PRODIGY (the next book), so this is, my friend, me signing off. (So fancy!)
ANYWAYS, let's talk in the comments!
Wow! I love the review. I am going to read Legend soon